Tim Washer. Keynote Speaker + Event Emcee



Episode 2, World Wide Rave

From SXSW-winning director Scott Teems…a little video we did with David Meerman Scott to help promote his new book.  Episode 1 is here.

World Wide Rave, episode 1

Yesterday I had the chance to speak at New York University on how to produce comedy videos, as part of David Meerman Scott’s book launch of World Wide Rave.  We premiered the first episode of the video series Scott Teems and I produced to promote the book.

Foul Plea: one chicken’s appeal for a smarter food system

our team’s animated interpretation of why we need a smarter food system:


Sabermetrics: There’s no crying in baseball

My most interesting connection to baseball is that my father is the Presbyterian minister who officiated at Roger Clemens’ wedding.  Also, one of the kids attending dad’s first church in Alvin, TX grew up to be the wife of Nolan Ryan.  Unfortunately, neither of these connections resulted in free game tickets.

Moving on…  in our new video podcast “The Future of Baseball” I learned about sabermetrics from Tom Davenport,  one of my former b-school professors.  I owe Tom a huge debt of gratitude, and I think maybe still a term paper.  It was fun to catch up with him after 10 years and reminisce about his IT class.  But he refused to change my grade.

In the podcast, IBM’s Bill Pulleyblank talks about how companies can apply the science of sabermetrics to manage risk.  Hmm, we should have published this before October.  A fun fact about Bill — he had an acting role in the movie Silver Streak, with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor.  True.

For more, check out Tom’s book, Competing on Analytics and his blog.

There's no crying in baseball.


In Life, There are Two Types of People: Farmers and Ranchers….

Two years after posting the “Art of the Sale” series on YouTube, it continues to receive coverage. ZDNet compared it favorably to Jerry Seinfeld’s Microsoft ads, and New York Times contributor Geoffrey James wrote,

“These six short videos provide as good an education about how B2B sales is actually practiced in real life as you’d get out of a hundred hours of expensive sales training. Just watch them. Trust me.”

The series was selected as Comedy Central’s “Staff Favorite.”  Watch the first three episodes here: