Mar 19
commentsBy Tim Washer
In Cheeseburger Tour, events, social media
Tagsaustin austin trailer food conan o'brien hangover II Rainn Wilson salt lick bbq Super sxsw sxswi team coco Todd Phillips
Comedy at SXSW
I presented at SXSW Interactive about the role of comedy in corporate social media, and was amazed at how productive the conference was. I had the chance to meet with quite a few social media leaders — when possible, over BBQ — including Jeff Pulver, C.C. Chapman, Guy Kawasaki, Pam Slim, John Jantsch, Erik Qualman and David Meerman Scott. I managed to squeeze in some comedy, kicking things off with Conan O’Brien’s documentary premier.
Rainn Wilson and director James Gunn dialed in the flight-delayed Ellen Page and put her on speaker to talk about their new dark comedy feature Super.
- Photo: Austin360
Director Todd Phillips shared the backstory of some of his comedies like Old School and talked a bit about The Hangover Part II.
- Photo: Austin Chronicle
Dined with Vince Thompson, comedian Matt Kirsch and the LA crew at the Salt Lick BBQ.
I wrapped up the visit with some classic Austin trailer food at Trey’s Cuisine for an amazing New York Strip burger stuffed with mac and cheeses served on a croquette.
Trey’s Cuisine chef Cowden Ward.
Finally, dessert at Amy’s Ice Cream with my favorite NEW YORKER cartoonist, Matt Diffee.